'Real Housewives of Potomac' Finale: One Woman Gets Engaged

Ah, the finale: That special time in every Real Housewives season when all problems are simultaneously solved and completely unresolved. And the Real Housewives of Potomacs season 1 final episode on Sunday, April 3, was no exception, as it featured a fierce fight about race and a wedding proposal.

Ah, the finale: That special time in every Real Housewives season when all problems are simultaneously solved and completely unresolved. And the Real Housewives of Potomac‘s season 1 final episode on Sunday, April 3, was no exception, as it featured a fierce fight about race — and a wedding proposal.

Robyn Dixon Still Unsure About Her Future With Juan Dixon

The final episode of the first season started with the entire cast recovering from the infamous Butt-Grab-Gate of 2015. Yes, it’s true — Ashley Darby’s husband, Michael Darby, grabbed Katie Rost’s boyfriend Andrew’s butt while dancing at a Charisse Jackson Jordan’s 50th birthday party. This non-scandal incited a fight about race when Katie called Robyn Dixon and Gizelle Bryant biracial. 

Gizelle told Robyn that she wants to have a “Come to Jesus” lunch, so everyone can put their issues to bed. Robyn also admitted at the top of the episode that she still doesn’t know where her relationship with live-in ex-husband Juan Dixon is heading. “Now that Juan is staying in Maryland, I’m curious to find out what happens to our marriage. … It could go one way or another.”

‘No Kissing’ for Karen’s College-Bound Daughter, Rayven

Then there was a brief scene in which Karen said to her daughter, Rayven, as she packed for college, “No kissing. No nothing, first year. Promise?” Seems like a reasonable request … if she’s going to college in a nunnery.

Ashley Darby’s Ovaries Are “Exploding”

Ashley sat down with her husband Michael and declared, “I’d really like to get started on the Michley train.” She explained, “Michley is Michael and Ashley.” The name combo doesn’t roll off the tongue as well as, say, “Bennifer”, but … OK. Fine. She continued saying, “My ovaries are exploding over here. It’s a biological imperative. … So let’s say, a month after the restaurant opens?” Michael agreed that they should start trying to get pregnant around then.

Katie Finally Gets the Ring

All season, we’ve seen Katie Rost pester boyfriend Andrew about getting engaged, and she’s even threatened to give him an ultimatum several times. This episode was no exception, when she said to the camera, “I don’t know when Andrew’s gonna propose. There’s someone out there, if it’s not him.” 

As they arrived at Katie’s farmhouse in Virginia, Andrew got down on two knees (his jeans were too tight for one) and pulled out a ring. He said, “Katie, I knew the first moment I met you that we were gonna spend our lives together. Will you do me the honor and marry me?” After Katie said “Yes!” she added, “Now I don’t have to give you an ultimatum!” So romantic!

Karen Calls Ashley a “Wet Cat in Heat”

At Gizelle’s “Come to Jesus” lunch, the ladies sat down and discussed Butt-Grab-Gate 2015 in more detail and got to the bottom (so to speak) of the issue. Things got a little heated between Karen and Ashley. Karen said, in a heated tone, about Ashley’s husband, Michael, “I suggest you let him stay in, ejaculate. Procreate. Do not ever, ever put my child’s name in your mouth again!” Those two thoughts certainly don’t go together but, OK. 

 Ashley yelled back, “It was not about Rayven — it was about me and how you view me as a person!” referring back to when Karen forbade Ashley from hanging around her 17-year-old daughter. Ashley continued, “You’re basically insinuating there’s something off about us … just because he surprised us at our beach house means we’re swingers or something?! You’re obviously an insecure woman who’s projecting something on me.” 

Karen went on to say to the 27-year-old former beauty queen-turned-restaurant owner, “You’re like a wet cat walking around in heat — what won’t you do!?” None of this really got resolved because at this moment, Katie walked in, and everyone perked up when they she announced her engagement.

The Ladies of Potomac Bury the Hatchet … for Now

After a brief moment of peace, Robyn chimed in, “I’m happy for Katie, but I still need to address what she said about me.” Robyn explained that she asked Katie if the infamous butt grab was a “white thing,” saying, “Black men don’t do that, so I’m asking, do straight white men do that?” Katie clapped back, “You really want to know the answer? Find a white man and ask him.”

Then Gizelle brought up that Katie called her and Robyn biracial at the party. Gizelle said to the camera, “Katie has no business calling me and Robyn biracial.” Katie responded, “It’s offensive to me that you don’t think I’m a black woman.” She went on to say, “I’m not just African American — I’m Caucasian. What the hell is wrong with that?”

Gizelle then said, “You act like it’s a problem to be black!” This caused Katie to go off on her, saying, “You’re ignorant and stupid.” Charisse mediated the fight with a very neutral, “You guys do make a lot of references to race, and it can be offensive.”

After this, everything simmered down, and they all apologized and gave each other a champagne toast. While everything appeared to end on a nice note, it seems like that won’t last very long, based on the preview clip for next week’s reunion. Spoiler: There was lots of yelling involved — and an absent engagement ring!

Tell Us: Do you really think the ladies have put their problems to bed, or is this just the eye of the hurricane?

The Real Housewives of Potomac airs on Bravo on Sundays at 10 p.m. ET. 

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