Bear Grylls: 25 Things You Don't Know About Me

Bear Grylls, 39, lets Us inside his adventurous world. Catch him on Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls on NBC, Mondays at 9 P.M.! 1. My book Mud, Sweat, and Tears was voted most influential in China last year.

Bear Grylls, 39, lets Us inside his adventurous world. Catch him on Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls on NBC, Mondays at 9 P.M.!

1. My book Mud, Sweat, and Tears was voted most influential in China last year.

2. I set the ball on fire when I threw out the first pitch at an L.A. Dodgers game!

3. I'm ambidextrous. It's helped me a few times in the wild.

4. At bath time, I get in with my three boys (Jesse, 11, Marmaduke, 6, and Huckleberry, 3, with wife Shara, 38). It's getting crowded!

5. I took my eldest tandem paragliding when he was 3 years old — no fear, just wide-eyed joy!

6. At home, I play guitar and piano.

7. I have Mike Town, my teacher from Eton College, to thank for encouraging me to climb.

8. I pick up the kids from school in an old London cab we own.

9. After filming, my crew and I usually sit at some bar in the middle of a jungle village, happy to be alive.

10. My crew is my greatest resource.

11. People ask if I eat bugs at home. No!

12. My family comes way before work.

13. I carry a picture of my family in my shoes.

14. I have an island hideaway in Wales.

15. I train six days a week, but short and sharp — 30-minute workouts.

16. I have had the same five best friends since I was 8 years old.

17. My Christian faith is my secret strength and backbone.

18. I pray every day with my children and my wife.

19. I cried when I reached the summit of Mt. Everest. Like a baby.

20. My favorite book is Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.

21. I had to be rescued by the coast guard when I was 8 years old.

22. My hero is my late father, who taught me to climb.

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23. I learned from my father to not listen to dream stealers.

24. My other hero is Roger Federer! He is amazing.

25. I'm inspired by the saying "Faith and fear may sail into your harbor, but only allow faith to drop anchor."

